500 Days With a Saudi Arabian Prince

  • Metai 2020
  • Viršelis Kietas
  • Puslapiai 364
  • ISBN 9786094755293

Knygos „500 Days With a Saudi Arabian Prince“ aprašymas

"I leant back gently into the soft leather of my airliner seat, embracing my thoughts - this is the beginning of a journey to a whole new world, a whole new life. I am flying to the Kingdom of Bahrain” -  is the first and intriguing sentence of this book. It begins with an engaging story about the fragility of the mirror of the life of the author and main character of the book, Tomas Krisciunas. The mistakes of ambitions and the lessons learned in order to establish himself in the confusing and complex business world.

Having spent many years in active business as a successful leader of a market-leading companies, the author tells an intriguing story of how the ambitions and stubbornness to start his own business - to create a network of fashionable coffee shops chain, can hit hard back and turn both personal and professional life upside down. 

In facts-based story, ""500 Days with a Saudi Arabian prince"" is described the beginning of a searching path, falling to the lowest point of life, trying to get up and build after the blows and gluing the last remaining crumbs of reality, takes the author to a completely different culture of The Kingdom of Arabia. In the Kingdom of Bahrain he becomes the CEO of the Prince of Saudi Arabia recently acquired archiving business. The unwavering stubbornness, faith, strength and concentration of one person, sincerity and openness helped to move towards a new world, a new perception of life that will never be the same again.

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